NATO SFA COE joined the IHL Innovative Programming event

On the 19th of June 2021 the NATO SFA COE participated in the event on “Implementing International Humanitarian Law (IHL): Innovative Programming and Best Practices in the age of COVID-19”.

The purpose of the event was to share best practices in the field of Protection of Civilians and International Humanitarian Law and highlight the possible changes in the implementation of IHL through related policies and practices that should lead to the reduction of civilian harm, especially due to the Covid-19 crisis.

The event was organized by the Centre for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) and co-sponsored by the Swiss Confederation, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the Kingdom of the Netherlands and saw the participation of several panellists coming from different backgrounds and organisations.

During the event, the participants emphasized the importance of investigating the global event at the local level, as well as the benefit of the implementation of the IHL through innovative programming integrated with the Protection of Civilians approach and an increased engagement with civilian society and communities.

The analysis of Protection of Civilians issues also highlighted its connection with the Security Force Assistance and the NATO SFA COE, in particular in developing research papers and other products. 

During the event, NATO SFA COE’s forthcoming book on the SFA implications in international initiatives was mentioned, stressing the importance of Reinforcing Harm Mitigation analysis in terms of best practices, lesson learned and suggestions to prevent, mitigate and respond to civilian harm.

The event was also valuable to understand the importance of IHL during the pandemic and to share practical approaches, whilst emphasizing the obligations for State and non - state actors to protect civilians under IHL. 

For more details watch the video:

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