NATO SFA COE participated in the BI ADC 2022
NATO SFA COE participated in the Annual Discipline Conference
(ADC) organized by the Centre for Integrity in the Defence Sector (CIDS) that
took place on the 12 of October in Bruxelles. The CIDS is appointed by
Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT/JFD) as the
Department Head (DH) for the Building Integrity (BI) Education and Training
(E&T) Discipline.
The aim of NSFACOE’s participation was to be informed on the
main issues of the BI Discipline in the training field and to foster COE
contribution and coordination with the BI Community of Interest in order to
contribute to identify sustainable and suitable solutions for the existing BI
Discipline requirements.
During the workshop, the NATO SFA COE experts had the
opportunity to explain that the impact of corruption on local forces and local
institutions can influence the operational effectiveness and success of a
mission. Hence, they mentioned the BI Chapter included in the NATO SFA COE book
on “Promoting the Rule of Law and good governance” and illustrated the NATO SFA
COE training offer and the opportunity to tailor the Local Forces training in
BI through a Security Force Assistance mission.
Following the Memorandum of Cooperation signed with the NATO
HQ Defence Institution Capacity Building Directorate, the NATO SFA COE SMEs
expressed their continued commitment to NATO’s Building Integrity Policy by
promoting SFA activities that implement measures to improve integrity, to fight
against corruption, and to foster good governance in line with the new
strategic concept and priorities set by NATO, its Allies, and partners alike.