NATO SFA COE JOINED the NITEC and the IPP Conference

NATO SFA COE Education and Training Branch representatives joined the annual NATO Individual Training and Education Conference (NITEC) and the NATO ITEP Planning Board (IPB) Conferences (“Shaping training through engagement”), conducted by the NATO HQ – Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ-SACT) – Joint Force Development (JFD), from 15th to 17th November 2022 and hosted at NCI Academy in Oeiras (Portugal).

The purpose of the conferences was:

to present current NATO priorities on NATO E&IT in line with NATO Warfighting Capstone Concept (NWCC), in order to draw on, and synchronize, cooperation with Nations,

to support the development of the ITEP via utilising the Production Planning Process (PPP) facilitating the production of the annual NATO ITE and providing a forum for the stakeholders to discuss related issues.

The NATO SFA COE and the participants from different NATO relevant Organizations, NATO Disciplines and training facilities discussed topics of common interest in order to coordinate interdisciplinary issues and to exchange good practices, shaping training through engagement and supporting the NATO Global Programming Approach.

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