A NATO SFA COE representative (Doctrine Development and
Doctrine Branch) joined in a seminar with other NATO Defence Education
Enhancement Program (DEEP) Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), at the Tunisian War
College in Tunisia, from the 7th to the 11th of February 2023.
The DEEP program aims to develop close cooperation with the
Tunisian War College under the auspices of the Ministry of National Defence,
where the Alliance advises Tunisia on how to build, develop and reform
educational institutions in the defence and military domain in the form of a
peer-to-peer conversation.
For 2023, with the consensus of NATO HQ, the group of DEEP
SMEs composed by the Italian Army Post Conflict Operations Study Centre
(PCOSC), the NATO Security Force Assistance Centre of Excellence (NATO SFA
COE), and the NATO Stability Policing Centre of Excellence (NATO SP COE)
delivered a common Post Conflict Rebuilding (PCR) seminar in which Stabilization
& Reconstruction (S&R), Security Sector Reform (SSR), Stability
Policing (SP) and Security Force Assistance (SFA) modules allowed participants
– coming from the Tunisian Armed Forces (116), Burkina Faso (2), Cameroon (1),
Central African Republic (2), Chad (1), Ivory Coast (1), Mali (4), Mauritania
(1) and Niger (1) – to develop an overarching and more complete picture of
complex post-conflict scenarios. This joint seminar allowed DEEP SMEs to
conceive an exercise in which students could apply SSR, SFA, and SP concepts to
a fictional scenario to close the gap between theory and practice.
Within NATO DEEP in Tunisia, the NATO SFA COE focused on the
SFA framework, explaining the vision and mission of SFA in terms of assisting a
HN in developing a sustainable capability, enabling Security Local Forces to
overcome threats to building stability and security and supporting NATO efforts in projecting
stability, defence and related security capacity building missions.