NATO COEs DD&S’ online meeting
On the 1st of March, a NATO SFA COE SMEs took part to the
Doctrine Development and Standards Conference Online Meeting for NATO COEs
organized by the COE Programme Development Branch of the Allied Command
The meeting aimed to the information sharing among ACT and
NATO-accredited COE Doctrine Development Community of Interest regarding the
process for the development and maintenance of NATO standards and Allied Joint
The Doctrine Development and Standard Branch of the COE
contributed by sharing information about and updates on Level 1 and Level 2
Doctrine, Allied Joint Doctrine Architecture, Allied Joint Doctrine Campaign
Plan, NATO Warfighting Capstone Concept and Multi Domain Operation Concept.
The importance of COE’s support for doctrine development to
NATO is enduring, because doctrine must reflect current capabilities, lessons
and best practices in order to train, exercise and operate in effective way.