NATO SFA COE joined the 16th CUCC
From the 26th to the 30th of June, a Subject Matter
Expert from the NATO Security Force Assistance Centre of Excellence (NATO SFA
COE) participated in the 16th CIMIC UNIT COMMANDER CONFERENCE.
This conference was organized by the Multinational CIMIC
Group, delegated by the Supreme HQs Allied Powers of Europe (SHAPE), and took
place at "Palazzo Foscolo" in Oderzo (TV).
The conference had a specific focus on "Human Security
in Operations (HSIO) and its implications in Collective Defence from the CIMIC
point of view."
It represented a significant opportunity to further develop
the concept of Human Security in the context of NATO operations, given the
increasing geopolitical and military challenges that will involve the countries
and Armed Forces of the Atlantic Alliance.
The SFA SME's participation in the conference was aimed at
establishing a better framework for cooperation between the NATO SFA COE and
The main goal is to create a mutually beneficial working
relationship that facilitates effective and profitable cooperation and
exchanges between the two entities.