Advanced Seminar for SFA Strategic Advising within SSR Pilot 2024

“The aim of the Seminar is to provide civilian and military participants an enhanced ability to provide strategic level military guidance for NATO in SFA.

The Target Audience are personnel working as SFA Subject Matter Experts at Strategic level NATO HQ’s or similar NATO or partner nations’ national HQ’s. Military Officers (OF-4 through OF-6) or civilian equivalents working at the strategic level in NATO, NATO-member, or Partner Countries. Personnel working at NATO HQ IMS, SHAPE, SACT, SME Staff Working at SFACOE, and SME Staff at HQ SACT and SHAPE. The participant’s educational background are experienced experts in SFA, experience working in a multinational HQ Staff, Academic degree EQF 6 (bachelor’s degree) or 7 (master’s degree) or equivalent military education.

Participants should have successfully completed the Institutional Adviser Course  and it is highly recommended to have also completed the SFA Operators course, national equivalent courses, or relevant education. The seminar also requires practical experience and education working with SFA. Participants are required to complete all pre-seminar tasks before arriving at the training centre.

Training Strategy:

The seminar has been planned as a blended learning solution. The seminar starts with a distance learning period with self-study assignments that are obligatory. Pre-seminar homework includes a test in ADLs, which all the participants have to pass.  Individual and group learning activity products throughout the seminar will be used as a formative assessment. The last assignment of the seminar is a summative assessment.”




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