Legal roundtable on “Rule of Law for SFA activities in crisis zones”
On the 23rd and 24th of October 2019 the NATO SFA COE hosted a Legal roundtable on “Rule of Law for SFA activities in Crisis Zones” to discuss with a group of experts from NATO and International Organizations, the main legal challenges and the possible approaches to developing a Law Training Program to ensure that local forces operate in a clear legal framework.
The event designed by the NATO SFA COE Legad, Cpt. Ludovica Glorioso, analyzed the issues of anticorruption in post conflict situations and the related education tools, the promotion of rule of law, the role of the International Criminal Court in the investigation and prosecution of sexual and gender based crimes, NATO’s current legal challenges, the legal provisions for the reintegration of former combatants, the International Committee of the Red Cross and Oxford research Group projects for the protection of civilians in conflicts.
The roundtable reflected the idea to analyze cross cutting topics and to have an interdisciplinary approach in the productive discussion among all the International Organizations participating at the event (NATO HQ International Military Staff, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, International Criminal Court, International Committee of the Red Cross, United Nations Mission in South Sudan, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Oxford Research Group, Chathman House, Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units).
The second day was dedicated to summarize the items and to create a draft of the Law Training Program for developing Exercises, Models, Courses and a Manual to be offered to NATO and Partners involved in the Security Force Assistance. The Law Training Program could also give guidelines for Nations in their legal challenges within Security Force Assistance activities.
The project will continue with the main Stakeholders in creating a Model for a Law Training Program in supporting SFA activities to promote knowledge of International Humanitarian Law, raise the awareness of local forces in Human Rights, implement the UN Resolutions, facilitate the reintegration of former combatants and identify the multiple risks of corruption in fragile states.
SHAPE will support the Project through the use of a dedicated workspace in LAWFAS (Legal Advisors Workshop Functional Area System) for NATO countries, PfP countries and Republic of North Macedonia. All the supporting material and sources collected during the activity will be loaded on the platform and will also be published in our NATO SFA COE website.
The Legal roundtable’s Newsletter will be published soon.