On the 13th October, the NATO SFA COE joined the seminar “integrity – the human factor” organized during the 2021 Building Integrity annual discipline conference held in Rome.

During the first part of the seminar, Ms Annette Hurum, Specialist Director, Centre for Integrity in the Defence Sector (CIDS), Norway moderated a selection of experts, which debated about the human factor’s influence on good governance and the challenges posed by lack of integrity, especially for institutional resilience.

Since the “human factor” relates to people's informal norms and mentalities, their inner orientations and dispositions, it is very important in countering corruption and promoting integrity and good governance. In fact, the experts emphasized that high quality laws and institutions are in themselves not sufficient to ensure good governance. In many countries there is a striking discrepancy between the two aspects, often due to unnecessary bureaucracy, a lack of transparency and corruption.

Subsequently, the Centrale Organisatie Integriteit Defensie (COID) experts moderated a dedicated workshop on “Packaging communication about integrity for high-level stakeholders”. During the workshop, the NATO SFA COE experts had the opportunity to explain that the impact of corruption on local forces and local institutions can influence the operational effectiveness and success of a mission. Hence, they pointed out that devising a tailored training in BI through a Security Force Assistance mission can be particularly effective in shaping the behaviour of the assisted local forces.

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