NATO SFA COE Education and Training Branch representatives joined the COE E&T Chiefs Online Meeting organized by NATO HQ Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) Staff.  

The aim of this event was to promote, improve and increase the coordination and collaboration within the COE Education and Training Community of Interest, in support of the Supreme Allied Commander Transformation’s Strategic objectives in order to continue enhancing Allied Command Transformation’s (ACT’s) relationship with the NATO-Accredited Centres of Excellence (COEs).

During the event, the representatives of three Joint Force Development (JFD)’s Branches (Education & Training Plans and Programmes, Human Capital Enhancement and Individual Training and COE Programme Development) stressed the challenge of enhancing the visibility of the COEs work. They also highlighted the unity of effort between HQ SACT and COEs at all levels, describing not only the main milestones of the Education and Training pillar but also mentioning the main activities such as the forthcoming “MC 0458/4 - NATO Education, Training, Exercises and Evaluation (ETEE) Policy” engagement, the annual reports, the JADLL online platform and ITEP reports.

Underlining the importance of communicating with one-another when there are cross-cutting topics, the meeting was the opportunity to provide an overview of the following points:

-          the NATO Global Programming (GP), all in all a methodology to manage NATO training which consists of three parts: Governing Structure, Development Methodology and Production Planning Process;

-          e-ITEP to the Production Planning Process, which is the NATO process that aims to provide affordable E&IT to the right personnel at the right time and place, in order to satisfy the NATO production requirements. Regarding the future development of this tool, the accreditation process of e-ITEP 4.1 is underway; this will introduce new functionalities, especially several focused on the Global Programming planning process, that will contribute to get the tool more “user friendly”.

Moreover, the event emphasised the importance of e-ITEP as a reporting system that can only improve with everyone’s feedback. This is key to providing the necessary visibility of the unique work that COEs are doing in supporting NATO to the rest of the Alliance. Furthermore, the event recognized the support of all representatives and encouraged all the participants to support this community of interest by using online meetings, and subsequent information exchanges, as a platform to enhance networking, cooperation and collaboration between COEs and HQ SACT.

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