On 12th of May the NATO SFA COE Director, Col Massimo Di Pietro, joined the third annual meeting of the Intelligence and Security related Centres of Excellence (COEs) organized by the Joint Intelligence and Security Division (JISD) of the NATO International Staff (IMS) with the NATO Intelligence Enterprise (NIE) to accelerate the cooperation and exchanging of views in the area of Education and Training (E&T) and to further strengthen the link between the NIE and relevant COEs.


The event consisted of two parts:

-   a plenary session at which all COEs were invited to prepare a brief introduction on the COEs and provide an update of their current working strands mainly related to Intelligence and Security;

-   a discussion session to obtain an update on current and future work strands with regards to the Eastern flank of the Alliance grouped into three specific sub-panels (technical exploitation, indication and warning and cyber security and Hybrid threats).


During the free forum discussion, the NATO SFA COE Director pointed out that the NATO SFA COE is involved in Intelligence and Security related issues such as analysis, linkages and assessment because SFA principles help to improve the “understanding” of the context in which Local Forces operate. These topics are training modules of the “SFA Operators course” and of the “Institutional Advisor Course”. Furthermore, the importance of the human environment surrounding the role of SFA Operators (advisors, mentors and trainers) was stressed; the SFA Operators effectively act as “social sensors” concerning the situation on the field in the assisted nation.

The meeting was a great occasion to highlight the work of NATO SFA COE within Intelligence and Security. It also demonstrated its importance within the NATO community by sharing expertise and training solutions or new dedicated projects such as the NATO SFA COE Guided Search Engine for open source intelligence purposes (research/ analysis) of specific geographic areas.

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