A NATO SFA COE’s delegation met the JCISFA team
From the 31st of May to the 4th of June 2022, a NATO Security
Force Assistance Centre of Excellence delegation met a Joint Center for
International Security Force Assistance (JCISFA) team, in Fort Leavenworth,
The aim of the visit was to revise and update the
Institutional Adviser course.
The “Institutional Adviser course” was born within the
Interoperable ‘Multinational Resident Advisor Capability’ Project (IMRAC). It is being developed within the
‘Multinational Capability Development Campaign’ (MCDC) by two nations as
leaders, Italy and the USA, with Canada, UK and French as contributors. The
following international institutions are supporters: the US Armed Forces Joint
Center for International Security Force Assistance (JCISFA), the Finnish Defence
Forces International Centre (FINCENT), the Italian Army Post Conflict
Operations Study Centre (PCOSC), the British Army 77th Brigade. Moreover,
Colombia and Poland are observers.
The course, certified by NATO as a selected course, aims to
prepare military and civilian personnel to assume the advisor’s role at the
ministerial and institutional level, in order to support the Host Nation’s
reconstruction efforts.
After several workshops (in 2020 and 2021), a pilot course
was conducted in October 2021 to test the effectiveness of the contents and to
solicit feedback from SMEs, with the aim to refine the whole educational
package, prior to the course’s inception. In this spirit, JCISFA and NSFACOE’s
SMEs met in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and worked shoulder to shoulder to revise
and refine the course contents in order to prepare for the course’s first
iteration, which is going to be held from the 14th to the 18th of November
The NATO SFA COE team also had the opportunity to visit the
impressive venue of the US Army Command and General Staff College (CGSG) and to
meet representatives of the US Army Security Force Assistance Proponent (SFAP).
NATO SFA COE will continue to strengthen the relationship
with the stakeholders of the SFA Community of Interest with the aim to fortify
the Alliance and advance its’ agenda.