A NATO SFA COE representative joined the co-located Annual
Discipline Conference (ADC) for Civil-Military Cooperation & Civil-Military
Interaction (CIMIC & CMI) and the Finnish Defence Forces International
Centre (FINCENT) as Department Head for Military Contribution to Peace Support
(MC2PS) from the 7th to the 9th of June 2022 in The Hague, Netherlands.
The purpose was to bring together the key responsible organizations
and stakeholders involved in both disciplines, the research institutions and
education and training providers related to both disciplines, in order to
facilitate collective support within the Community and to draft the main points
and recommendations for both Discipline Alignment Plans (DAP) 2022, showing the
existing collaboration between the two different organizations.
NATO SFA COE has the chair of one of the MC2PS clusters, the
"Security Force Assistance" one, so it is responsible to scope
training and education gaps, searching for suitable solutions. In the past
three years in supporting this Discipline, the Centre analysed and developed
different solutions (seminars and courses), now certified solutions (SELECTED)
available to the Alliance.
The NATO SFA COE representative gave a presentation in which
he explained to the Community of Interest the Centre’s vision, mission,
activity and line of efforts sharing the main challenges, such as the Training
and Education Pipeline of the Centre, in supporting NATO efforts in projecting
stability and defence and related security capacity building missions and the
new Training Landscape 2022.
The representative of the Joint Center for International
Security Force Assistance (JCISFA) also participated, illustrating the Center’s
activity in the field of SFA and how it is collaborating with NATO SFA COE in
NATO projects within the MC2PS Discipline activity.